Factil to present at DAMA Melbourne

Factil will be presenting a talk at the DAMA Melbourne meeting on 17 May 2017.
Graeme Port will be be speaking on the topic of "Fact-Based Data Integration".
Full details and registration can be found here.
Here is the abstract of the talk:
Fact-Based Modeling is an effective approach for defining the structure and semantics of stored data. In this talk we will show that a fact-based integration language can be used to automatically generate integration code for moving data through an information supply chain.
We will apply this approach in two scenarios:
- a Data Vault data warehouse environment, and
- a project for sharing information nationally for child safety
We will show that automated integration code generation from a fact-based integration language reduces cost, contains fewer errors, and supports a high rate of change and agility.
If you are interested in getting a copy of the presentation of the talk, please get in touch with us at factil@factil.io